We can’t refer to the fluorescence marker for manuka honey, the methyl syringate glycoside derivative (aka Leptosperin) in both New Zealand and Australian Manuka honeys, although quite a few research papers show this to be also present in Australian Manuka honeys. This is because Leptosperin is also a NZ trade marked term and the laboratory process for measuring it is patented by a NZ firm and controlled by licencing to specific NZ laboratories. You are of course allowed to read some of the scientific papers related to this research and you can access these on our website.
And of course, the unsung heroines of this potent honey are the bees that make it, store it away and then surrender some of this bounty to us humans to enjoy.
In celebration of the amazing diversity of Manuka plants our bees forage on By Buzzz has created the category of LFACTOR™ 18+ for our range of East Coast Australian Manuka honeys. It stands for Leptospermum Factor – the factor underpinning the unique diversity of Manuka honey tastes. Of the 85 Leptospermum plants our honey bees forage on there are 18 species here on the East Coast of Australia that have the verifiable high potency nectars needed to make medical manuka honey. The LFACTOR 18+ refers to these:
L.poligalifolium poligalifolium; L.continentale; L.arachnoides; L.poligalifolium cismontanum; L.speciosum; L.gregarium; L.morrisonii; L.whitei; L.liversigei; L.junipernum; L.petersonii; L.brachyandrum; L.minutifolium; L.oreophilum; L.scoparium; L.flavensce; L.variabile; L.squarrosum