If you are thinking that Manuka Honey only comes from New Zealand then you are mistaken. Both Australian or New Zealand Manuka Honey is sourced from the same plants – the Leptospermum species.
Both Manuka honeys are sourced from Leptospermum plants. New Zealand has Leptospermum scoparium and Australia has 83+ types of Leptospermum plants including L.scoparium. * Only about a third of the 83+ species of Australian Leptospermum plants are used by honey bees to produce a manuka honey that contains the naturally occurring phenolic MGO (methylglyoxal) responsible for the honey’s antibiotic activity and healing qualities
* Levels of MGO in manuka honeys are rated after harvest and generally again at packing time. The UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) ratings on New Zealand Manuka Honey are measured by exactly the same laboratory tests as Australia’s NPA rating (Non Peroxide Activity) and these measurements of potency use the same scaling.
Confused about the different ratings on the jars of Manuka honey?

Check out our Rating Table to see how to compare these two scales.
Nectar forms in blossoms bathed in sunshine, fed by rain and healthy soils. It’s foraged by bees as food for their colony and brood. Our honeys are sourced from the East Coast of Australia from healthy bees foraging in pristine coastal bushland. Our beekeepers run small to medium size family businesses, love and care for their bees and the country in which they operate. Healthy bees give us nutrient dense, pure raw honeys untainted by agrichemicals.
Australian Manuka season can stretch from late winter through spring and summer to early autumn as blossoming rolls from one species of Leptospermum to another. There are often other flowers available for bees to forage on and so Australian Manuka honeys, whilst predominantly manuka based, will have delightful overtones from other nectar sources. So our authentic uncreamed Australian Manuka honey is not cloudy; it’s clear, thick and sometimes jellied. It ranges in colour from a light gold to a deep rich amber honey, in flavour from a light sweet early season honey to a dark full bodied late summer taste.
We call this diversity in taste and texture the “gout de terroir” of the Australian bush captured into these Australian Manukas.
Which potency of Manuka honey should I use?
2 simple rules of thumb are:
If the NPA rating is below 12+ (MGO 356) you use this honey for everyday health, immunity and wellness, first aid for wounds, diaper rash, pet health or as an energy boosts when you, drizzle on toast and muesli or put in smoothies. Great for beauty facials and clearing up skin problems like acne and psoriasis.
For any stronger Manuka Honeys, especially up at 20+ and greater (MGO 829) treat them as a strong medicinal honey. Use as an antibacterial, antiviral honey. Use for repairing skin ulcers, bed sores, wounds and infections. Use on burns for stimulating growth of new skin and as an anti inflammatory. Don’t just believe us! Check out our web page for access to scientific research papers on the benefits and characteristics of manuka honeys. Do not take these honeys daily as they will knock out the good bacteria in your gut if taken internally in the same way as a western based antibiotic will. When you have used a course of potent manuka honey do repopulate your gut bacteria by using good probiotics and fermented foods in your diet (e.g. yogurt, kefir, fermented foods)

How to use Manuka honeys
- A spoonful a day to build immunity and general wellness. Take for colds and flu, gut health and as a daily energy boost
- Potent Manuka honey works antibiotically and in fact the UMF rating system is based on measuring how swiftly Manuka honey kills Golden Staph bacteria. Check with your doctor in cases of bacterial infection before using
- Drizzle on toast, yoghurt, muesli and into your favourite teas
- Helps make a great smoothie even better for you or spoon it into your favourite recipe instead of white sugar
- Use topically as a first aid treatment for cuts, insect bites, abrasions and wounds
- Manuka honey triggers the skin renewal process so is excellent for burns, acne and psoriasis
- Treat ulcers, bed sores and inflamed wounds to cleanse, clean and heal them
- Kills dental plaque
- Diluted in water it makes a soothing eyebath for inflamed or sore eyes
- Include in your beauty routine as a key ingredient in a revitalising face cream or scrub
Enjoy the taste and enjoy the healing!

Jenna Ford
CEOBringing to you the finest Australian Manuka honeys and plant based medicinals for health, immunity and longevity